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Students Attendance Policy 

1. Objectives


The Saudi Entertainment Academy - SEA expects students to participate in all instructional activities. The students studying at the Saudi Entertainment Academy are expected to attend all scheduled classes (face-to-face, blended, and online), laboratories, studios, fieldwork, and tests. Therefore, online courses are no different from classroom courses in this regard; however, participation must be defined in a different manner.


2. Scope

This document sets out the principles and practice of the Attendance Policy that applies to all Saudi Entertainment Academy students. This includes both onsite and online delivery. 

Students who do not complete the course attendance requirements within the drop/add period for the course will be dropped from the course. Students who fail to maintain active participation in an online course as defined in the course syllabus will be processed in accordance with the Institute current attendance policy. 

Course orientations are required (mandatory) in some courses. Refer to the course syllabus and guidelines for trainees and trainers for specific information. Class meetings are required (mandatory) in some courses. 


3. Summary of Academy Expectations of Attendance


3.1 The minimum provision of hours for concurrent attendance at least 25%. 


3.2 The student is not allowed to miss more than (25%) of the hours prescribed for the subject in all cases.


3.3 If the student misses more than (25%) of the hours prescribed for a subject without a satisfactory or compelling excuse acceptable to the Board of Directors, he will be prohibited from taking the final exam and his result in that subject will be zero, and he/she will have to re-study it. In all cases the result of that failure will be included while calculating the student’s GPA for purposes of warning and dismissal from the Institute/major.


3.4 If the student misses more than (25%) of the hours prescribed for a subject and this absence is due to illness or a compelling excuse acceptable to the Director, he/she shall be considered withdrawn from that subject, and the provisions of withdrawal shall be applicable to him/her. The Director will inform the Director of Admission and Registration of his decision in the matter, and a withdrawal note in respect of the said subject will be made in the student's academic record.


3.5 Students whose absences exceed (25%) will be denied without an excuse upon the recommendation of the subject teacher and with the approval of the Director, and the Director of Admission and Registration shall be notified of the same when the absence of students reaches the percentage referred to above.


3.6 The sick excuse will be required to have a certificate issued by or approved by the physician of the students' clinic at the Institute within a period not exceeding one week from the date of the student's discontinuation of attendance, and in other cases of force majeure, the student shall present proof of his compelling excuse within a week from the date of the disappearance of the reasons for absence.


3.7 Students are responsible for keeping track of the number of their absences. Trainers are not required to notify a student orally or in writing if the student has excessive absences.


3.8 Log on at least three times a week – on different days in order to complete weekly assignments, assessments, discussions and other weekly deliverables as directed by the trainer and outlined in the syllabus;


3.9 Participate in the weekly threaded discussions, this means that, in addition to posting a response to the thread topic presented, students are expected to respond to each other and comment and questions from the trainer and other students;


3.10 Students will not be marked present for the course in a particular week if they have not posted on the discussion forum and/or submit assignment/essay or complete assessment if administered in that week.


4. Implementing the Policy - Staff Procedures and Guidance


4.1 This document can only cover the most common situations that will occur. Therefore when the procedures and guidance do not appear to cover a given situation, staff should either use their own judgement to resolve the matter, or consult with their line manager. Any feedback on the suitability of the policy and guidance should be made to the Quality Department. Please note that any reference to registers in this policy relates to the electronic register for both onsite and online delivery.


4.2 In order for the SEA to monitor and improve attendance and punctuality it is essential that all registers are marked in an accurate and timely fashion. The staff member responsible for the session must complete the register marking as soon as possible and in all cases by close of play on the day of which the session falls.


4.3 Students are normally expected to make medical and other appointments outside of timetabled hours. However, where a student knows in advance that they are unable to attend a lesson, the Registration Office must report the absence via central administration, and provide evidence of the absence the nominated person in advance, so that the absence can be noted as ‘authorised’ in the register. When authorising absences the nominated member of staff will need to consider:

  • Whether the case is reasonable

  • The number of absences taken by the individual

  • Repetitions of the same justification

  • Whether the justification is backed up by evidence examples of legitimate reasons for absence might include;

  • Medical appointments which cannot be made outside of timetabled hours

  • Religious holiday 

  • Attendance at a funeral of close family member

  • Severe disruption to the transport network

  • Driving test

  • Student representatives’ meetings

  • Responsibilities for caring for a close family member. If this is likely to affect their learning, this should be explored with the student and support offered.

  • ​

4.4 An absence will not be authorised for any of the following reasons:

  • Holidays

  • Babysitting

  • Driving lessons

  • Birthdays

  • Leisure activities

  • Shopping

  • Full or Part-time work (other than work experience).

4.4    When the absence cannot be foreseen, the student should advise the Academy, either by telephone or email to the Registration Office on the day of absence. The registrar responsible for the register will mark the student ‘absent’. 

4.5    On the first day back in learning, the student is required to provide evidence to support the absence to their Registration Office. Evidence for the absence must be signed and stamped by the issued party, or a medical certificate in the case of absences of 5 or more days. 

4.6    When the member of staff who marked the student absent next sees the student, they should ask for an explanation for the absence, draw the student’s attention to the attendance policy and stress that non-attendance will be followed up and dealt with. 

4.7    If the level of non-attendance is judged to be unacceptable then the Academy Student Disciplinary Policy should be used to deal with the matter.  


5.    Students’ responsibilities You are expected to: 

5.1    Attend 100% of all scheduled classes either in person or online relating to your programme of study as confirmed on your learning agreement 

5.2    Report any absence due to illness or other reason to the Registration Office by 8:45am on the first and every subsequent day of absence (by phone or e-mail to the Registration Office. 

5.3    Do everything possible to avoid necessary absences by making medical appointments outside class time unless it is an emergency 
5.4    Avoid going on holiday during term time 
5.5    Arrange appointments with Academy advisors outside of lesson time 
5.6    Provide medical evidence for absences of more than 2 consecutive days 
5.7    Tell us in advance if you know you are going to miss a  
5.8    On the first day back in learning after an absence, present evidence to support your absence  
5.9    Comply with our Attendance Policy and associated sanctions if your attendance falls below 75% 
5.10    If you find that you cannot meet the class' minimum discussion requirements due to such a circumstance, please contact your trainer as soon as possible. 
5.11    The general registrar, faculty members, trainers, registration office and Academy administration shall implement the aforementioned provisions of attendance. 

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